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The Danger of Mouldy Food

Does your dog often steal food from the bin?

We all know what dogs are like, especially when it comes to food! Lots of the food in our bins can be toxic to our dogs if they get their paws on it so it’s important to stop them… or at least to make sure your bin is impenetrable.

One of the harmful foods your dog may find in the bin is mouldy food.

Mouldy food is bad because…

Essentially, when food starts to go mouldy, the mould produces a substance called mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are found in most foods once they’ve gone mouldy, but are especially common in mouldy:

  • Bread
  • Cheese
  • Cooked pasta
  • Nuts
  • Fruit (from rubbish bins or trees)
  • Dog food

Mycotoxins come in many forms and each of them are harmful to dogs in different ways. Dogs who ingest mouldy food are prone to serious seizures/tremors, liver damage and other nasty side effects – which can sometimes be fatal.

How to tell if your dog is poorly?

Symptoms of mycotoxin poisoning can include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Tremors
  • Seizures
  • Restlessness
  • Panting

You might notice if your dog has eaten mouldy food, especially if they tip the bin over when getting to it. If your dog displays these signs, contact us as soon as you can. These symptoms aren’t exclusive to mycotoxin poisoning but are usually an indicator that something isn’t right.

Limiting your dog’s access to mycotoxins

If you throw away a large amount of pasta, bread or another food that’s prone to going mouldy, think about emptying the waste bin there and then or later that night so it doesn’t have time to grow mouldy in your kitchen.

Empty your bin regularly. If you’re determined not to waste plastic, keep the kitchen bin somewhere your pet can’t get to. If they’re really stubborn, you can get special pet-proof waste bins – which should do the trick.

Keep your pet out of the kitchen while you’re cooking. This is the best way of safeguarding against them picking up anything you drop, or stealing something from the bin if you leave it open.

If your kitchen doesn’t have a door, distract your pet while you’re cooking with a puzzle feeder toy!

We hope this info helps! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions about keeping your dog safe.